Relative analysis: a direct application of Return Theory
The Return Theory says that a major event having marked the collective unconscious is relived at a multiple of 3085 days, with a strong probability of + or – 6 months. When this event is relived, the same thing can happen or its opposite.
An event can therefore be relived as a past event that took place close to a past multiple of 3085 days. Relatively speaking, an event can be close to the present if it is very close to a past multiple of 3085 days.
A relative analysis of an event therefore consists of looking for all past events, at a multiple of 3085 days.
According to the Return Theory, the present event can be the return of one or more past events identified by this relative analysis.
These past events can therefore have an unconscious influence on the event that is analyzed in relative terms. Relative analysis is therefore a way of looking for unconscious motivations.
The structure of the collective mind and unconscious resembles (as a consequence of the Return Theory) a DVD jukebox that would play several time slots simultaneously. Each DVD has a duration of 3085 days (8 years and a little less than 6 months). In relative time, the present is expressed in a time between 0 and 3085 days.
There are about 10 DVDs that are played at the same time with the same relative time. The present is made of what we live and the past which is read at the same time with the same relative time. Some slices of the past are forcefully re-injected, other slices are not read or have no effect.
It is this permanent accumulation of different pasts reread more or less strongly that corresponds to possible unconscious motivations. Relative analysis allows us to identify possible pasts that could have or have an unconscious influence on the present. Of course the concepts are completely new compared to what is said in our time (these concepts date back to 2001, the first use having been made after the attack of September 11, 2001 in October 2001).
These are the same concepts that are used to demonstrate possible parallelisms in history. There is a wonderful example that concerns the behavior of the USA in the Iraq war in 2003. This example has not been put on this site and has only been described in the 2012 edition of the Clock of the Unconscious. In 2003, the USA believed that the Second World War was over and behaved as if by liberating Iraq they were liberating the World, thus confirming the relative analysis made in October 2001 about the relative analysis of the attack of September 11, 2001.
What relative events are taken into account?
- Only events close to a multiple of 3085 months. Close meaning of the order of 6 months before or after the date multiple of 3085 days.
- Only major events that have left their mark on people’s minds and are therefore considered to have had a significant impact on the collective memory. For example, a war, an upheaval, a crisis. An event such as a law passed in a parliament, which has not given rise to a public discussion in the media, will never be considered as a “relative” event that can have an influence. It is a non-event for the collective memory and therefore for the collective unconscious.
How far back does a relative analysis go?
Il n’y a pas de règle précise à ce jour, mais les analyses en relatif qui ont été faites jusqu’à ce jour le sont sur un siècle au grand maximum.
On what occasion can a relative analysis be made?
When there is an exceptional event for which there is no link with the past and/or for which we want to know the unconscious motivations that would allow us to understand the future behavior of the actors by finding one or more past events unconsciously marking the minds following the analyzed event. Since 2001, relative analysis has been used on four occasions: September 11, 2001, at the time of the Russia-Georgia war in 2008, during the Arab Spring in 2011 and during the Iran-Iraq war after the extension of the Islamic State.
Can a present event awaken the past to the point of making the past THE unconscious motivation for present behavior?
The Return Theory indicates that past items can be relived at “probable” times. But why not imagine that past elements, belonging to the unconscious (i.e. everything that is not conscious) can be “awakened”, following a present event? In this case, the present is not a return of the past, but the present provokes an awakening of the past which itself becomes an unconscious motivation of the present.
It is a hypothesis that seems logical in view of the knowledge that we now have about the unconscious.
Who has been interested in the unconscious until now? Mainly psychoanalysis in Western countries. Psychoanalysis has shown links between the present and the past. If the Return Theory is interested in the past arising in the present, it does not talk about the present that can influence the past by awakening a past that will become an unconscious motivation of the present.
An interaction with the Unconscious Mind leads to the Clock of the Unconscious Mind. The Unconscious Mind has a “Clock” which is this 3085 day cycle.
The hypothesis was therefore put forward that events in the present could interact with past events. This awakening of the past by the present can become an unconscious and determining motivation.
It has therefore been hypothesized that the relative analysis allows both to understand the possible returns of the past and to understand the possible interactions of the present with the past, in case a present event awakens a past that will then enter in “resonance” with the present by becoming THE unconscious motivation of the present.
Examples of Relative Analysis
This relative analysis is exceptionally used when there is no immediate or clearly visible return track.
You can see 2 examples by clicking on the link :
French to English translation on October 21, 2020